How many times have we heard that salt is bad for us? A lot, right?

The specialized piece of equipment known as the halogenerator takes the highest 99.9% pure grade sodium chloride. This salt comes from the earth & seas but through a process eliminating all debris & contaminates. It’s not processed the same way table salt is. Table salt is impure & processed through the digestive tract which is what makes table salt unhealthy.

The Halogenerator disperses micro sized particles into the air. Particles so small it can’t be seen by the eye. This is KEY. Dry salt is processed through the respiratory system. As you breath in the low concentration of dry salt it moves its way into remote areas of the lungs known as the bronchial tubes, where the salt begins to dissolve phlegm and kills micro-organisms that cause infections.

There is NO halotherapy without the HALOGENERATOR.